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Graffiti- & Street Art Festival Styria 2016

17.-22. Oktober 2016, Fürstenfeld -Steiermark

Das Jugendkulturfestival „Graffiti- & Street Art Festival Styria" geht heuer in seine sechste Runde und lädt junge Künstler und kunstinteressierte Jugendliche im Bereich "Graffiti- & Street Art" ein, gemeinsam mit internationalen Künstlern gesellschaftliche und jugendrelevante Themen künstlerisch umzusetzen und ihre Arbeiten einer großen Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren.

Das diesjährige Festival stellt sich der Herausforderung, die Kunstproduktionen dem brennenden gesellschaftspolitischen Thema "Social Europe" zu widmen.

Als künstlerischer Leiter konnte heuer wieder der international renommierte Street-Art Künstler Daan Botlek aus Rotterdam, Niederlande, gewonnen werden, - einer der gefragtesten Street Art Künstler Europas mit weltweiten Installationen und Ausstellungen. Weitere internationale Künstler des Festivals sind Sizetwo - Deutschland, das Künstlerkollektiv SomeDesigners - Japan, Libanon, Ukraine, Deutschland, Italien, Lym Morena aka MOSTA - Venezuela, sowie Baume - Österreich.

Junge Künstler und Jugendliche aus Europa werden mit den Künstlern in Workshops & Performances arbeiten, sprühende Ideen und künstlerische Blickfänge in der Stadt hinterlassen. Die Internationalität des Festivals, die europäische Dimension, die Präsenz von Kunst im öffentlichen Raum sowie die breite Palette der Künstler mit Daan Botlek (Holland), Sizetwo (Deutschland), Mosta (Venezuela), Baume (Österreich) sowie das Künstlerkollektiv SomeDesigners, schaffen eine kreative Drehscheibe für junge Kunst in der Steiermark und internationale Plattform für Jugendkultur in Süd-Osteuropa. Das Festival ist in Österreich bereits Markenzeichen für junge Kunst & Kultur.

Schwerpunkt für die künstlerische Ausrichtung des Festivals ist heuer die Erweiterung des Begriffs Street Art um die Dimension „Street Art INTERAKTIV“. Es werden Sound- & Visuelle Installationen, interaktive Skulpturen produziert und öffentlichkeitswirksam präsentiert.

Das Konzept der "ÖFFENTLICHEN GALERIE" wird ausgebaut und auch der Arbeitsprozess selbst direkt in das öffentliche Leben integriert. So wird auf dem Hauptplatz in Fürstenfeld eine große ZELTSTADT aufgebaut, wo Künstler und Workshopteilnehmer eine Woche lang arbeiten und in einer großen finalen Ausstellung ihre Werke präsentieren.


17.-22. Oktober 2016, Fürstenfeld


21. Oktober - 31. Dezember 2016
Graffit- & Street-Art, Fürstenfeld

Weitere Ausstellungen

  • Körmend (Ungarn)
  • Slowenj Gradec (Slowenien)
  • Rettenbach (Deutschland)

Referenten und Künstler

  • Daan Botlek, Holland
  • Sizetwo, Deutschland
  • Lym Moreno aka MOSTA, Venezuela
  • Baume, Österreich
  • Künstlerkollektiv SomeDesigners, Japan, Libanon, Ukraine, Deutschland, Italien


  • Graffiti Art
  • Street Art
  • Sound- & Visuelle Installationen
  • Crossover


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  • Junge Künstler
  • kunstinteressierte Jugendliche
  • Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund
  • Interkulturelle Kommunikatoren

Ausstellungseröffnung und Internationale Musik Live Performance

Freitag, 21. Okt. 2016, 19.00 Uhr
Hauptplatz Fürstenfeld, 8280 Fürstenfeld


Future Icons - Verein für junge Kunst und Kultur, Graz, Steiermark. In Kooperation mit der
Stadtgemeinde Fürstenfeld.

Festivalleitung & Intendanz

Mag. Norbert Lipp MAS, MBA
T: 0650. 8311243
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Kontakt & Workshopanmeldung

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Other exhibitions

  • Körmend (H)
  • Slovenj Gradec (SLO)
  • Rettenbach (GER)

Target groups

  • Young artists
  • Youth interested in art
  • Adolescents with immigrant background
  • Intercultural communicators

Project Objectives

  • International festival for Young Art & Culture
  • Exchange and promotion of young talents
  • Intercultural Dialogue
  • Festival as a workshop & Think Tank
  • "Young Art" - Austria, Slovenia, Hungary

Exhibition Opening and international music performance

21. Oktober - 31. Dezember 2016
Graffit- & Street-Art, Fürstenfeld


  • Daan Botlek, Netherlands
  • Sizetwo, Germany
  • Lym Morena aka MOSTA, Venezuela
  • Baume, Austria
  • SomeDesigners


Rado Poggi - Slowenien I Ökonom und Politologe
Zsuzsanna Pálóczi - Ungarn I Historikerin
Urska Cerce - Slowenien I Journalistin


Future Icons - association for young art and culture
In cooperation with the Culture Department of the City Fürstenfeld

Festival Director

Mag. Norbert Lipp MAS, MBA
T: 0650. 8311243
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Mag. Norbert Lipp, MAS, MBA is an academic culture manager, working at home and abroad. Commercial and artistic director of festivals, concert tours, exhibitions, installations. Studies: concert clarinet and music education, music college Graz and Vienna. Postgraduate studies "Arts and Media Management", Johannes Kepler University Linz. Postgraduate studies "MBA Leadership in Culture", University of Salzburg Business School (SMBS) in Salzburg and Chicago, executive MBA. Recipient of the Appreciation Award of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research for extraordinary artistic achievement.

Artistic cast

Daan Botlek – Rotterdam, Holland | Street Art

Daan BotlekIn his drawings and murals Daan Botlek uses surrealism, puzzles, mathematics, alienation and humor to question reality. Botlek creates clear and minimalist images of surreal situations that are still easy to detect. The character of the man dominates his work. Recently, man-made structures and abstract forms have become the focus of his work. He is an internationally renowned star artists of the street art scene with works worldwide.




sizetwo 2016"SizeTwo is a Graffiti artist from Graz, Austria, who painted since 2009. He practically learned everything by himself, using all the sources he could find to improve his skills. Over the years he got quite a name in his small town, and after a college for graphics and communication design, he decided to move to Berlin to broaden his horizon.
With his authentic style and professional behaviour, and of course a bit of luck, SizeTwo started to work for Berlin's biggest commercial Graffiti agency. He painted murals for amazon, adidas, netflix and universal music, and in his free time even more walls. His style has evolved from pure styles to funky and colorful characters with a lot of expression. While the characters look almost realistic, they're outlined with a thick black comic lines, creating an unique and recognizable style."


Mosta - Venezuela | Street Art, Grafik

MostaLym Moreno aka Mosta was born in 1982 in Caracas, Venezuela. She studied art and graphics at the Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Artes in Caracas, Venezuela, and graphic design at the Escuela de Artes Visuales Cristóbal Rojas in Caracas, Venezuela. Lym Moreno lives in Vienna since 2010. Her work is primarily concerned with the medium of paper and a variety of techniques such as collage, scenery and Cut-Out. She also uses printing techniques such as screen printing, wood-and linocuts. Besides working in the studio she also works in public space under her pseudonym Mosta. Since 2005 she attends international exhibitions and works as an illustrator. In 2011 she published her first picture book for children "Sueño sin Soñador" at a Venezuelan publishing.



Baume – Österreich| http://eurocreacamp.eu/portfolio/gerald-baumgartner/

baumeStarted with graffiti in the mid 90ies after he developed a deep interest for drawing during high school. Attended college for design and communication in linz and after finishing masterclass and short agency experiences decided to work on his own. Since then self employed graphic designer and illustrator and since 2010 frequently working togehter with his colleague Manfred Veigl focusing on developing visual concepts.

Besides his work for various clients he’s still active painting in public space.


Omar Ruc - Österreich

omar rucOmar Ruc started his career as a graffiti writer in 2007 in Graz. Inspired by a videogame about graffiti, he decided to leave the computer behind and continue with painting walls.

With a focus on letters and styles he soon improved and moved on to paint in other countries like Croatia, Germany, Slovenia and Portugal. After graduating at the “Ortwein school for fine arts and design” in Graz, he is now doing commissioned work for companies and private clients in all over Austria.



somedesigners1Some Designers, Verein für Interaktive Medienkunst - is an organisation, whose focus is on artistic projects in the field of modern art and multimedia interactive exhibitions. The Verein was founded in the Spring of 2015 by five different artists, who study, live, and work in Graz.

Currently, Some Designers consist of: Anahi Meyer (Austria/Lebanon) media designer, Jonathan Carter (USA/Germany) composer/programmer, Nicola Lecca (Italy) interactive designer, Takuto Fukuda (Japan) composer/programmer, Nick Acorne (Ukraine) composer/sound designer and Sebastian Wöhrer (Austria) interaction designer.

The main goal of Some Designers is to bring art and design into public spaces through the collaboration of artists with multicultural backgrounds. With this mixture of different fields of art, such as media, interaction and sound, our organisation is creating a fresh perspective for the artistic development of Styria. As Graz has been since 2011 the UNESCO city of Design, we, as an organisation of Some Designers, feel the need to maintain the highest standards of achievement of art and design throughout our beloved city. Our community is open for new creative participants, ready to help us explore, create, and design.

meyerAnahi Meyer (Lebanon / Austria)

Lebanese-Austrian media designer. After finishing high school in the French Lycée of Beirut, she came to Graz to study Information Design in the FH Joanneum. She is now finishing her Master’s in Media Design and starting to learn a 7th language. Anahi mostly works with video but is lately setting her focus in multimedia art in space and interactive installations with the Association “Some Designers” she created with four international colleagues also living in Graz.

carterJonathan Carter (USA / Germany)

A composer of electronic & acoustic music. His works emphasize a connection between the two genres, ever in pursuit of a style that seamlessly combines them. With performances at venues including the Brevard Music Center Summer Festival, Ars Electronica Linz, and ZKM Next Generation 5 Karlsruhe, Jonathan’s music reaches an increasingly broadened spectrum of audience. In addition to his solo activities, he is a founding member of Elektrichka – an electronic media ensemble.

leccaNicola Lecca (Italy)

Born and raised in Sardinia. Interaction Designer who graduated from the University of Architecture in the department of Design/Industrial Design in Sassari, Italy. In 2011 he was a “Designer Analyst” at Aaron Marcus & Associates, Berkeley California, where he worked on an APP concept for long distance learning and massive online open courses. In 2014 he was the “Head of Testing” in a startup company focusing on Learning Management Systems in Berlin. Since 2014 he is Master student at FH-Joanneum Graz.

sebastian woehrerSebastian Wöhrer (Austria)

An interaction design student based in Graz. His focus on human computer interaction is lately shifting from screens and user interfaces to interactive installations and interactive media. With the collective „_bert“ he has worked on media installations for smaller festivals and music-videos.


fukudaTakuto Fukuda (Japan)

A composer and sound artist based in Graz, Austria. He has been focusing on the enhancement of liveness by using computational technologies. His pieces have been awarded at several competitions such as CCMC 2010, Musica Nova 2011 and WOCMAT 2013, and selected for performance at numerous international festivals in Europe, Asia, South and North America.

acorneNick Acorne (Ukraine)

Composer and Sound Designer. He has studied traditional Composition at the University of Art in Kharkiv, Ukraine. After that he has completed a Masters in Composition and Computer Music at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Austria. Now Nick studies at FH Joanneum as a Sound Designer. He has taken part in a lot of different festivals, among them Ars Electronica (Linz), Make Munich (Munich), Lendwirbel (Graz), Next Generation 5 (ZKM, Karlsruhe), etc. He also participated in different sound and interactive workshops, held by such prominent artists, as Natasha Barrett, Nicolas Collins, Miller Packet, Andrey Smirnov as also held his own workshops in the field of interaction art and electronic music.
