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Mag. Norbert Lipp, MAS MBA Art Director

Culture- & Media Management
Auersperggasse 23
A-8010 Graz
Austria / Europe

Phone: +43-(0)650-8311243
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Homepage: www.norbertlipp.com

Norbert Lipp was born in Graz 1968, Austria. He has an MBA from Chicago University and Salzburg Business School in International Arts Management. For twenty years he has organized cultural festivals and concert tours in Europe. Some well´known artists involved Mstislav Rostropovich, Dennis Russell Davies, Linz Bruckner Orchestra.

He is a consultant to cultural and business institutions in Austria and throughout Europe. He advises in areas such as new media, financing, international project management.
He studied classical music at the University of Vienna and Graz and graduated top of his class and received the Award of Appreciation for outstanding artistic achievement from the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research. In his own right he is a professional musician, who is invited to play in the Graz Opera House and who has his own music groups.

He believes that creativity is an essential human quality and needs to be nurtured. Art in all its forms is the most obvious way to encourage creativity. He has been doing this for the last twenty years through his festivals which have ranged from classical music, to Graffiti Artists, to Street Artists, to static exhibitions.
All this work has been done within the framework of the European Union. It has involved many young people both as artists and as trainees to develop their own competencies in areas such as language, intercultural understandings, solidarity and understanding of the plight of those less fortunate.


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