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Graffiti- & Street Art Festival Styria 2015

12.-17. Oktober 2015, Fürstenfeld -Steiermark

Das "Jugendkulturfestival „Graffiti- & Street Art Festival Styria" geht heuer in seine fünfte Runde und lädt junge Künstler und kunstinteressierte Jugendliche im Bereich „Graffiti- & Street Art“ ein, gemeinsam mit internationalen Künstlern gesellschaftliche und jugendrelevante Themen künstlerisch umzusetzen und ihre Arbeiten einer großen Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren.

Das diesjährige Festival stellt sich der Herausforderung, die Kunstproduktionen dem brennenden gesellschaftspolitischen Thema "Fair Distribution of Ressources" zu widmen.

Als künstlerischer Leiter konnte heuer wieder der international renommierte Street Art Künstler Daan Botlek aus Rotterdam, Holland, gewonnen werden, einer der gefragtesten Street Art Künstler Europas mit Installationen & Ausstellungen weltweit. Weitere internationale Künstler des Festivals sind Slaven Kosanovic aka LUNAR aus Kroatien, Lym Morena aka MOSTA aus Venezuela sowie Argiris SER aus Griechenland. Junge Künstler und Jugendliche aus Europa werden mit den Künstlern in Workshops & Performances arbeiten, sprühende Ideen und künstlerische Blickfänge in der Stadt hinterlassen. Die Internationalität des Festivals, die europäische Dimension, die Präsenz von Kunst im öffentlichen Raum sowie die breite Palette der Künstler mit Daan Botlek (Holland), Lunar (Kroatien), Mosta (Venezuela) und Argiris SER (Griechenland), schaffen eine kreative Drehscheibe für junge Kunst in der Steiermark und internationale Plattform für Jugendkultur in Süd-Osteuropa. Das Festival ist in Österreich bereits Markenzeichen für junge Kunst & Kultur.


12.-17. Oktober 2015, Fürstenfeld


16. Oktober - 31. Dezember 2015
Graffit- & Street-Art, Fürstenfeld

Weitere Ausstellungen

Körmend (Ungarn)
Slowenj Gradec (Slowenien)

Referenten und Künstler

Daan Botlek, Holland
Slaven Kosanovic aka LUNAR, Kroatien
Lym Morena aka MOSTA, Venezuela
Argiris SER, Griechenland


  • Graffiti Art
  • Street Art
  • Crossover


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  • Junge Künstler
  • kunstinteressierte Jugendliche
  • Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund
  • Interkulturelle Kommunikatoren

Ausstellungseröffnung und Internationale Musik Live Performance

Freitag, 16. Okt. 2015, 19.00 Uhr
Grabher-Haus Fürstenfeld, Übersbachgasse 13


Future Icons - Verein für junge Kunst und Kultur, Graz, Steiermark. In Kooperation mit der Stadtgemeinde Fürstenfeld.

Festivalleitung & Intendanz

Mag. Norbert Lipp MAS, MBA
T: 0650. 8311243
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Kontakt & Workshopanmeldung

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Press Information

The "Graffiti & Street Art Festival Styria" will take place in Furstenfeld for the fifth time. Young "Graffiti & Street Art" artists are invited to work together with international renowned artists on themes like society and youth-related issues and to present their work to a larger public.

The Culture Department of the city Furstenfeld and the association "Future Icons" jointly organized this youth culture festival under the directorship of Mag. Norbert Lipp. This years art director is again the internationally renowned street art artist Daan Botlek from Holland. He is one of the most sought after street art artists in Europe, with installations and exhibitions worldwide. Other international artists of the festival are Slaven Kosanovic aka LUNAR from Croatia, Lym Morena aka MOSTA from Venezuela and Argiris SER from Greece.

This year, the festival is dedicated to the subject of "FAIR DISTRIBUTIONS OF RESOURCES“. To speak on the subject, we invited political scientist and economist Rado Carlo Poggi from Slovenia and historian and arts administrator Zsuzsanna Pálóczi from Hungary. Young artists from Slovenia, Hungary and Austria will be working together with internationally renowned artists and mentors in the form of workshops and performances. Their sparkling ideas and artistic eye-catchers will be seen all over the city and presented at a great final show on October 16, 2015 at 19.00 clock in Grabher Haus.

The range of workshops will stretch from Graffiti Art, Street Art, Illustration and Graphics to lectures and discussions in the fields of history, philosophy, politics, art and culture. The aim is to create a common Think Tank for young innovative art and culture. To highlight the creative potential of young artists from different countries and make a visible sign of the wants, needs, visions and new concepts of life for young people in the united Europe. Festival Director Mag. Norbert Lipp: "The international character of the event, the presence of art in the public and the presence of artists and speakers will help to establish a creative and innovative hub for young art and culture in Styria!"

It is particularly pleasing that this project was chosen by the European Union, in the framework of an international application, and is promoted as a future role model for innovative and sustainable youth culture work integration in South-East Europe.

Workshops: 12.-16. October 2015, Fürstenfeld

  • High school and new middle school
  • Free registration

Other exhibitions

  • Körmend (H)
  • Slovenj Gradec (SLO)

Target groups

  • Young artists
  • Youth interested in art
  • Adolescents with immigrant background
  • Intercultural communicators

Project Objectives

  • International festival for Young Art & Culture
  • Exchange and promotion of young talents
  • Intercultural Dialogue
  • Festival as a workshop & Think Tank
  • "Young Art" - Austria, Slovenia, Hungary

Exhibition Opening and international music performance

Friday, 16 October 2015, 19.00 clock
Grabher-Haus Fürstenfeld, Übersbachgasse 13


  • Daan Botlek, Netherlands
  • Slaven Kosanovic aka LUNAR, Croatia
  • Lym Morena aka MOSTA, Venezuela
  • Argiris SER, Greece


  • Zsuzsanna Pálóczi, Hungary
  • Carlo Rado Poggi, Slovenia


Future Icons - associatio for young art and culture
In cooperation with the Culture Department of the City Fürstenfeld

Festival Director

Mag. Norbert Lipp MAS, MBA
T: 0650. 8311243
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Mag. Norbert Lipp, MAS, MBA is an academic culture manager, working at home and abroad. Commercial and artistic director of festivals, concert tours, exhibitions, installations. Studies: concert clarinet and music education, music college Graz and Vienna. Postgraduate studies "Arts and Media Management", Johannes Kepler University Linz. Postgraduate studies "MBA Leadership in Culture", University of Salzburg Business School (SMBS) in Salzburg and Chicago, executive MBA. Recipient of the Appreciation Award of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research for extraordinary artistic achievement.

Artistic cast

Daan Botlek – Rotterdam, Holland | Street Art

Daan BotlekIn his drawings and murals Daan Botlek uses surrealism, puzzles, mathematics, alienation and humor to question reality. Botlek creates clear and minimalist images of surreal situations that are still easy to detect. The character of the man dominates his work. Recently, man-made structures and abstract forms have become the focus of his work. He is an internationally renowned star artists of the street art scene with works worldwide.



Slaven Kosanovic aka LUNAR - Croatia | Graffiti- & Street Art

Slaven Lunar KosanovicSlaven Lunar Kosanovic is a Zagreb-based artist who emerged from the early Croatian graffiti scene painting, exhibiting and publishing his works worldwide.He has visited numerous cities across the globe including Amsterdam, Athens, Auckland, Berlin, Hanoi, Havana, Lisbon, London, Melbourne, New York, Oslo, Paris, Saigon, Seoul, Sydney and Tokyo. He cites Playboy, Outdoor advertising magazine, Forbes magazine, Nissan and Hope Box among his clients.


Mosta - Venezuela | Street Art, Grafik

MostaLym Moreno aka Mosta was born in 1982 in Caracas, Venezuela. She studied art and graphics at the Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Artes in Caracas, Venezuela, and graphic design at the Escuela de Artes Visuales Cristóbal Rojas in Caracas, Venezuela. Lym Moreno lives in Vienna since 2010. Her work is primarily concerned with the medium of paper and a variety of techniques such as collage, scenery and Cut-Out. She also uses printing techniques such as screen printing, wood-and linocuts. Besides working in the studio she also works in public space under her pseudonym Mosta. Since 2005 she attends international exhibitions and works as an illustrator. In 2011 she published her first picture book for children "Sueño sin Soñador" at a Venezuelan publishing.



Argiris Saraslanidis SER - Greece | Street Art, Graffiti

Argiris Saraslanidis SERBorn in Thessaloniki and studied Graphic Design and illustration. Argiris SER is one of the pioneers of the Urban - Street Art Scene of Greece, largely responsible for its formation and an influencer of younger local artists and peers alike.  
His work - a curiously eclectic blend of old school graffiti, comic culture and pop surrealism - has a dark undertone yet is highly satirical, employing an arsenal of monstrous but somewhat benign characters, to highlight and comment on the absurdity of human nature. SER's work is all over Greece, in the form of large-scale murals, paintings placed in important collections, and commercial work, created in association with major local and international brands. He has an active presence in Europe, never missing the opportunity to fly around to create a quick wall.



Workshop speakers

Zsuzsanna Pálóczi – Hungary

Zsuzsanna Pálóczi, born 1960 in Egyhazasradoc, Hungary. Studies of History & Art History. Zsuzsanna Pálóczi worked as a historian and lecturer in Budapest, later as a cultural manager in the art gallery in Szombathely and has worked as Deputy Director at the Cultural Körmend since 1994. International Exhibition Organization: World Dance Day, Festival of Speed, Raba Coast Music Festival, Rearte Gallery.

Rado Carlo Poggi - Slovenia

Rado Carlo Poggi, born 1974 in Regensburg, Germany. He studied economics and political science at the University of Regensburg. Shortly after he became engaged  in business administration and political science as a curator and art producer. Since 2000 he initiated cultural and political projects and worked for publications and exhibitions. He focuses on the  politically and socially engaged art. His participation in the international exhibition project Necessary discourse on hysteria in 2008 in Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia, led to the opening of the Flatz Museum in Dornbirn.